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Bystander education

Bystander education

Bystander education

Bystander education is at the heart of Kinder Communities' approach to violence prevention. Our aim is to transform ‘bystanders’ into ‘upstanders’ by teaching children how to safely stand up to bullying.

Everyone behaves in a way they think is normal. If behaviour is considered normal in a social setting then people usually accept it even if they don’t personally agree. Understanding and overcoming this contradiction is what bystander education is all about.

At Kinder Communities, we show teachers and students how to challenge accepted beliefs and at the same time, enable healthier, more respectful ways of treating others.

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Teachers are central to bystander education because they often have the most influence on students. This is why we work closely with teachers to equip them with practical, everyday tools they can use to help their students respond safely and successfully in challenging situations.

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